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Arlen B
Age group:

Activities in church
Occasionally attend with Bonnie. Helping develop church website

Activities outside of church
Enjoy riding my bike, walks, short trips to ocean, working on our two rentals, trying to keep yard nice, watching Portland Trail Blazers, listening to the news, playing card games, working my little business.

Family information
I live with my wife Bonnie and our dogson SumBuddy.  We have 2 grown children and they have 5 children. Andrea lives in Kennewick and Jennifer lives in Pendleton. Bonnie’s son Tyler was 10 when we got married. He was the best and officially became a Bischke. We were very close from the beginning. We played basketball and rode motorcycles. I miss him so much.

About me
I have lived most of my life in Eastern Oregon. My Grandfather Frank Walker was the first or one of the first to grow watermelons in Hermiston. He set my dad up and he grew watermelons, cantaloupes, pumpkins, etc. for many years and they also owned a fruit stand in Irrigon where they sold some of their produce. So obviously much of my summers were spent working in the fields and delivering watermelons to the several fruit stands between Umatilla and Irrigon, Oregon. I would escape whenever possible to play summer baseball or ride motorcycles with my best friend. I started riding motorcycles when I was 12 and could take the back trails to Irrigon and go as fast as 70 miles an hour. I would wreck often but only once got seriously hurt.

I joined the Navy during the Vietnam war. After completing data processing school in San Diego, I was stationed on the USS Mount Whitney which was home ported in Norfolk, Virginia. I operated computers and gave information to Generals and Admirals in real time for ASIS (Amphibious Support Information System). Before I was released I had advanced to the petty officer in charge of ASIS, the highest position among non-career sailors. We visited around 17 countries during my four years of service. I worked with a group of 12 very intelligent men who were all clean cut. We all got along great and worked hard and had a lot of fun. I worked for many years starting in 1977 for a company that made all the French Fries for McDonald’s. I was the senior employee out of 1000 workers at their plant in Oregon. I worked up to Senior Warehouse Supervisor/Manager and was over 50 employees on three shifts. During this span of time, I had two girls with my first wife. We got divorced after 12 ½ years of marriage.

I worked several other jobs after that including six years as a janitor at Good Shepherd Hospital and as a forklift operator at Lamb Weston in Boardman. I was working in Quality Assurance for the huge Walmart Distribution Center when I met Bonnie. It was love at first sight and we got married three months after we met. I was also working on a website that would get pen pals for inmates. Bonnie told me this was not working out and because I was working 65 hours a week, she said you need to choose between your job and your business. I immediately put in my two-week notice. The website has been successful and the best of its kind in the world since 1998 and I am considered a pioneer in the business. I also have other websites and buy and sell domain names. I have two employees, of which one is my daughter Jennifer who works full-time for me.

We moved to Roseburg in 2019. I like going on short trips with Bonnie to the Ocean and occasionally to see family in Eastern Oregon. I like going for walks, caring for my dog, riding my bike, watching the Portland Trailblazers, listening to the news, playing table games, working in the yard and working on our two rentals. My goal is to be debt free.

I was raised Baptist and still am in line pretty much with their beliefs. I enjoy going to Christian Life Center with Bonnie and really like all the people their including Pastor Gary Miles.

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